


365 days of Mama

As the sun sets on what has undoubtedly been the best summer of my life, I’m feeling so very full. To say that Harry came along and turned both mine and Adam’s lives upside down is an understatement, and yet it was absolutely in all the best ways, without exception. This year has been absolutely full of firsts. Our first cuddle, first feed, first nappy, first cold, first holiday, first bump and bruise, first word, first tantrum, first steps. It’s also been full of laughter, full of love and yes, occasionally some of the toughest moments of our lives too.…

Jeremy Houghton’s Artist Residency at The Lygon Arms, Broadway

You might recently have seen Cotswolds-based artist, Jeremy Houghton, on The One Show. His latest work, a study of the last remaining Spitfire, Hurricane and Lancaster pilots from World War 2, is part of the RAF’s centenary and has captured imaginations up and down the country. RAF 100 includes images of the iconic aircraft in flight as well as portraits of “the last few” which will go on tour at galleries across Britain. Two group sketches of the remaining pilots are being silent auctioned to raise funds for the RAF Air Cadets so do check out the link above to bid!…

Spa Time at Bristol Harbour Hotel 

With the dark winter nights drawing in, it’s sometimes hard to think back to the gloriously bright days of summer. I’m currently finding that life seems to consist of just working and commuting, with very little ‘me time’. This is something I’m so committed to changing in the New Year.  Thankfully, Bristol Harbour Hotel recently invited Adam and I to their underground HarSPA for some express pampering and high quality downtime, so as you can imagine, we jumped at the chance. Bristol Harbour Hotel Bristol Harbour Hotel is a relative newcomer, occupying a rather impressive former bank on the corner…

The Cotswolds Christmas Gift Guide

With just over two weeks until Christmas Day, Adam and I wanted to share our top local gift ideas with you. What you’ll find below is a selection of fabulous gift ideas from Cotswolds businesses we know and love – and hope you will too. So if you’re struggling to find the right gift for your best gal, or you just can’t face the idea of your dad opening another pair of socks on the big day, take a look below at all the gorgeousness that is right on your doorstep, and get shopping from some of the best businesses…

Weddings at Elmore Court, Gloucestershire

Adam and I recently stayed at Elmore Court above the banks of the River Severn in Gloucestershire to find out what makes it the ultimate wedding and party venue. With an impressive heritage, glorious grounds, stately buildings and tastefully cool decor, it didn’t take us long to fall in love with Elmore Court. So much so that, whilst we are swiftly approaching 4 years of marriage, I am a little bit sad that we can’t do it all again. Here are just a few of the reasons why Elmore Court enchanted us: The Heritage King Henry III granted the land at Elmore…

Maddy’s Makeup Masterclass at Meggies, Stow on the Wold

Last Thursday I found myself sat in one of my favourite shops, Meggie’s in Stow-on-the-Wold, barefaced and in front of a group of women I barely knew. So far, so out of my comfort zone… I’d been invited along by lovely Meg and the timing couldn’t have been better. To put it bluntly, my face needed some help; I’d recently had an allergic reaction and my skin was looking far from fresh and glowing. But this was a Makeup Masterclass, and I was the willing volunteer. Cue Maddy. Educated at the London College of Fashion, Maddy has worked for several…

Christmas Shopping in the Cotswolds

It’s official, there are now only 34 days until Christmas… and that, my friends, means there are just 34 sleeps until the jolly bearded man visits and reindeer pitter patter their snow covered hooves across your roof… (but I digress…ahem). Whilst this might seem like plenty of time to plan, buy and wrap lots of lovely treasures for you nearest and dearest, it actually translates into a mere 5 shopping weekends until the big day (and that’s including this one!). OMG. Usually, this information is enough to send me into a shopping frenzy that results in Adam’s Grandma receiving the…

Cheltenham Half Marathon

Sunday 27th September saw the annual Cheltenham Half Marathon take place in some of the most beautiful parts of the town, commencing and finishing in Pittville Park. This year, Adam and I both decided to take part in a bid to raise our fitness and generally spend more time outdoors to counteract the effects of the daily grind sat at a desk. Unfortunately for me, a car accident in the spring put my marathon ambitions on hold for this year owing to a back and neck injury and I was advised by my doctor, and subsequently, my physiotherapist that I…

Panasonic FZ-1000 Camera Review

Sarah and I have dreamed for years of owning a “better camera”; one that could zoom past the end of my arm, take photos in anything other than a perfectly lit room and generally produce photos that we would be proud to display. A few weeks ago we decided to take the plunge, but if you are anything like me major gear purchases require extensive research; intense scrutiny of both professional and amateur reviews (to see what the camera *might* be able to do, and then realistically what I might be able to do), interacting with the technical forum wizards…