You might recently have seen Cotswolds-based artist, Jeremy Houghton, on The One Show. His latest work, a study of the last remaining Spitfire, Hurricane and Lancaster pilots from World War 2, is part of the RAF’s centenary and has captured imaginations up and down the country. RAF 100 includes images of the iconic aircraft in flight as well as portraits of “the last few” which will go on tour at galleries across Britain. Two group sketches of the remaining pilots are being silent auctioned to raise funds for the RAF Air Cadets so do check out the link above to bid!
Closer to home, Jeremy has just begun an artist’s residency at the newly refurbished Lygon Arms in Broadway; just off the bar, you’ll find a small studio, many paintings and perhaps Jeremy himself if you’re lucky. Sarah and I spent an afternoon with him and can confirm he’s a great guy and highly interesting to talk to; if you are in the area, I’d definitely recommend popping in to say hi and have a chat about his paintings. If Jeremy isn’t there, you can still look at his art and enjoy a drink in the swanky bar. The hotel has spent £20 million on refurbishments so it has probably changed since you were last in there! Some of his works are also available to view and purchase at Trinity House Modern, a contemporary art gallery across the road.
Jeremy’s Style
If you aren’t familiar with his work, Jeremy’s paintings effortlessly capture movement, light and space. Even for newcomers to art, his distinctive monochromatic style is eye catching and immediately draws you in. He uses blank white canvas as a negative space to represent light and carefully balances the level of detail in his paintings to create a remarkable sense of dynamism and fluidity. Jeremy concisely summed it up as being “more about what you leave out than what you put in”; leaving the mind to create its own interpretation and really feel the subject of the painting. His paintings are certainly striking and are more than worthy of a space on the wall; the hardest part will be choosing which piece suits your home best.
Jeremy’s Other Residencies
Jeremy’s work as a contemporary British artist has previously seen him chosen as artist in residence for the Queen, Wimbledon, the Americas Cup, the London Olympics and Goodwood Racecourse to name but a few. Quite an iconic list, I’m sure you’ll agree! This followed a period of inspirational travel including teaching art and painting in South Africa. I’m especially amazed by his biro sketches of Zulu warriors; I find it hard enough to write with one! His fabulous collection of paintings and prints also features wonderfully coloured flamingos in flight, as well as depictions of everyday countryside pursuits such as hunting and racing. Hopefully we’ll have one on our walls one day soon, as both Sarah and I loved them. Now which one to choose?
The photos below are of Jeremy’s Bentley which has been owned by his family since 1935. It’s got an amazing history and his grandmother even won the 1937 RAC Scottish Rally in it. The medals are all from events and competitions that the car has won. Absolutely nothing to do with his residency but it’s too beautiful to leave out.
Give Jeremy a wave if you see it around Broadway!